IMG_0143Introducing Fight the 15:

The proven 90 Day System for losing those pesky pounds and keeping them off FOR GOOD

(Without Starving, "Dieting" or Spending Hours in the Gym!)

February 22, 2025

Howdy Friend!

A new year is upon us, and maybe you've decided that you want to lose those pesky pounds that have crept on over the years, commit to a healthy lifestyle, and keep the weight off for good.

But, maybe you've been down this road before, only to fail. Maybe you've tried every diet and exercise plan under the sun, only to feel miserable and end up heavier than when you started.

It's frustrating to say the least! With so much information and so many plans out there, how are you supposed to know what to do?

I get it. I've been there myself!

As a competitive fitness athlete, I started my career with great success and results, only to experience the devastating effects of chronic dieting and extreme exercise. I'd get in my best shape ever, only to see it all disappear in a few short weeks, gaining 25 plus pounds seemingly overnight. I'd become no different than your average "yo-yo dieter." I felt ashamed and depressed.

I knew something had to change.

I knew there had to be another way.

I did my research and learned everything I could about nutrition, fitness and weight loss. With the guidence of some amazing coaches and a lot of experimentation and hard work, I'm so proud to say I've regained my healthy and my body for good! I was even able to compete again, without the ridiculous rebound!

I made a promise to myself AND my clients:

  • No more crazy diets
  • No more starting a plan, only to quit a few short weeks later
  • No more boring food
  • No more crazy long workouts
  • No more giving up my life to succeed at weight loss and fitness

That's why I created the Fight the 15 Challenge.

And now I'm so excited to share it with you!

Meet Your Trainer

Hi! I'm Jacqui Blazier, Master Trainer and Nutrition Coach and creator of the Fight the 15 Challenge.

In this program I share the exact strategies I've used to help hundreds of clients lose weight, build strength, improve their energy and develop healthy habits for life. The program is now available to you for a fraction of the cost of private personal training. Enjoy!

get access now

"So, What's Included with the Program?"

I'm glad you asked! 

12 Week Cardiovascular and Resistance Training Program

Designed to help you build strength while losing weight and torching calories.

The program changes every week so you'll continue to see results!

($300 value)

"Build Your Own" Custom Nutrition Plan

I'll teach you EXACTLY how to calculate how many calories you need to meet YOUR specific goals while eating REAL food, AND how to adjust your plan as you lose weight!

You'll build your plan according to YOUR lifestyle and YOUR preferences.

($250 Value)

Fight the 15 Member's Area

You'll receive lifetime access to the Fight the 15 Member's Area featuring 12 awesome educational modules divided into three specific phases

($400 value)

Phase One: The Foundation Phase

The first phase is all about setting you on the road to success:


Week 1: First Steps and Tools for Success
Week 2: Building your Fat-Busting Meal Plan
Week 3: All About Macros: How to Personalize Your Plan
Week 4 : Training for Fat Loss


Phase Two: The Transformation Phase

This is when you'll REALLY begin to see results, but it's also the "messy middle" where you're most likely to encounter problems.
Not to worry though, you'll learn how to navigate these crucial few weeks and continue to see results


Week 5: Dining Out and Staying on Plan
Week 6: Discovering "Sneaky Saboteurs"
Week 7: Dealing with setbacks: What to do when life happens
Week 8: Self-Talk: Change Your Words, Change Your Results!


Phase Three: The Acceleration Phase

You've made it through the "messy middle," now it's time to turn up the heat
Week 9: How to Adjust Your Meal Plan
Week 10: Advanced Resistance Training Techniques
Week 11: Advanced Cardio Training Techniques
Week 12: The Road Ahead: Maintaining Your Results for the Long Term

Plus, You'll Receive These Awesome Bonuses: 

Jacqui's Favorite Workouts: Cardio Camp "Swipe File" ($37 Value)

My cardio camp workouts have always been extremely popular! They can be completed in 30 minutes or less, require little to no equipment and are GUARANTEED to get you sweating. The workouts work in tandem with the Fight the 15 Program as a fun alternative to traditional cardio workouts

Fit Kitchen Recipe Guide ($37 Value)

I'll be the fist to admit that I'm NOT a gourmet cook! However I have learned how to make simple, healthy and TASTY meals. As a bonus, you'll receive my collection of 20 healthy (and SIMPLE) recipes to help you get started on the healthy eating path

Bonus #3: Lifetime access to our private FT15 Facebook community

Interact with Jacqui and the Fight the 15 Coaches as part of our private Facebook community. This is where you'll be able to ask questions and receive support from our awesome group of Fit Fighters ($100 value)

*Special Limited Time Pricing*

Lifetime Access is Yours 

for only $147 $97

(That's  12 weeks of training for less than the cost

of TWO private personal training session!)

Here's What Our 'Fighters' Are Saying....

“Starting down this journey with Fight the 15, I didn’t know what to expect.     I certainly didn’t know how I would make it with a baby and a toddler to distract me. While I certainly had my ups and downs, I still had great success! I educated myself on a new way of eating and learned how to control cravings.I’m proud to say that I’m now rocking my favorite pair of pre-pregnancy jeans! Thanks Jacqui for a wonderful program!”

Jennie C., 2013 Ultimate Fighter
Jeff V., 2013 Ultimate Fighter Runner Up

"These past few months have really changed me and allowed me to evolve in my fitness.

The results for me have come not only in performance in my obstacle races but in the knowledge that , as a single dad, I can be fit and healthy for my kids. "

Erika R., 2014 Ultimate Fighter

" Fight the 15 has really helped me change my nutrition habits. Before, if I ate 1300 calories in a day I thought I'd really blown it. With Fight the 15, I ate MORE and lost fat! The weekly videos, workouts and recipes were extremely helpful and kept me motivated throughout the process. Now that the program is through, I'll still continue to follow Jacqui's advice for living a healthy lifestyle. Thank you Jacqui for all of your help! "

Lifetime Access for Only $147  $97

get access now

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Fight the 15 For?

Fight the 15 is right for you if:

- You are new to exercise or are just starting back after an extended break

-You want to lose 15 pounds (or more) of stubborn body fat

- You want to learn the TRUTH about diet and exercise with no gimmicks or quick fixes

What if I have more than 15 pounds to lose? Will Fight the 15 still work for me?

Absolutely! Fight the 15 is the IDEAL starting place for those that have 15 pounds or more to lose. You'll have lifetime access to the program so you can continue to use it long after you've lost the first 15!

Will I have access to the whole program at once?

Upon enrollment you'll have access to the first 60 days of workouts, videos, and all of your special bonuses in the Fight the 15 member's area. Weeks 9-12 will be available after 60 days.

This way you can focus on completing each phase of the plan.

 Are training sessions included with the Fight the 15 Challenge?

No. The Fight the 15 Challenge is a completely online program delivered via the Fight the 15 website. No physical products or services will be delivered

(Jacqui normally charges $75 per session, so this program is a great deal!)

I'm confused. Is this an e-book program?

Nope! The Fight the 15 Program is delivered via the member's area of the Fight the 15 website. Once you enroll, you'll receive your login information and you can get started right away!

Who is the creator of the Fight the 15 Challenge?

The program was created by master trainer and nutritionist Jacqui Blazier. Jacqui is a professional fitness trainer and fitness model with over 20 years experience as an athlete and coach. She's helped hundreds of clients lose weight, gain strength, and improve overall health and energy.

Will I need to join a gym?

Although 80% of the exercises can be completed with basic equipment ( dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, exercise bench or ball, and your own bodyweight), some exercises do require more advanced equipment. Therefore, a gym membership is recommended. 

Will I receive support during the program?

Absolutely! You'll have the chance to have all of your questions answered by Jacqui and the Fight the 15 Coaches via our private Facebook page. We provide tech support too!

What's your refund policy?

If you're not satisfied with the program for any reason, contact us within 60 days of purchase for a full refund. No questions asked.



Lifetime Access for Only $147 $97

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